Do you find it hard to find your one true calling? (part I)

Well, think again: it just might not be just one true calling, calling you out. 🙂 For sure we are living these times right now that are like no other times before! Our family wants the best for us and they advice us to follow so called stable&secure career paths. But we might not feel like following their ideas, but following our own! And the content of every job and profession has changed tremendously in only the last few decades, with several new hundreds of jobs adding up, that couldn’t have existed, say 50 years ago! There is no certainty on the work market nowadays. Actually, in no time in history there has been a labor market security, so security itself is a myth! What are we left with then? I believe we are always left with ourselves. 🙂 What I mean is that no matter the changes in history … Continue reading

A role-model for a lifetime

I’ve been planning to write an article about José Mujica, the president of Uruguay, for a very long time. I admire him for his life, lived with courage, authenticity, consciousness and on-going reflection, assumed risks, pain (but no more suffering!!), healed wounds and love for every moment he spends on this Earth! I might not know all the facts of his life or all his (supposedly) life mistakes. It doesn’t even matter. I look at him in this video below and I admire the human being that’s he’s become, the synthesis of good and bad that have inherently happened to him. He seems to be standing in a space which is just beyond any good or bad actually! This video sums up everything I ever thought I could learn from him and not just intellectually: I learn from his humble attitude, his soft and non-judgmental tone of voice and his … Continue reading