Is your definition of success yours?

Being a creative, curious type, with a multitude of interests and passions, I find it hard sometimes when I am expected to fit into previously defined career paths or life paths or any other paths or patterns that have been prescribed by societies or cultures. The good news is that I meet more and more people with whom I share this kind of profile. But it’s hard you know. This kind of transition between supposedly secure/safe societies and the newly cannot-afford-retirement-plans type of societies. I think I face the double standard: being free and creative while most of the jobs on the market stick to the same old definition of what a successful career is. And it is frustrating. What I come to experience is that time flies so-so fast and people change as well!  But institutions and social norms don’t change at the same pace. I’ve always based my … Continue reading

Get out of children’s way!

Children are the most authentic beings on the planet! They know exactly who they are and why they are here for. Ask them and they know exactly what’s wrong with the world and some of them have even ingenious solutions for ending world problems. I remember fragments of my childhood … visions… back then anything was possible. What happened? I got a “good education”. After learning to walk, speak and read, I was told to sit down, shut up and look up to other people. Children know naturally what is best for them. What are their interests. Instead of labeling them with ADHD whatever not or worrying about their future, satisfying their needs and encouraging them to know and believe in themselves is the key.